Take Action

If you want to see COPMOBA return to a functional organization that organizes regular trail maintenance, plans, develops and builds a variety of new trails, has a thriving, diverse membership, listens to its members, and communicates effectively, then the time has come to take action.

Share Your Opinion

Take a quick poll: Is COPMOBA the Trails Organization You Want?

Be the Change

Be the change you want to see! Here are some suggestions that you should consider to help make COPMOBA the organization you want.

Become a member so you have a voice. Join COPMOBA

Require Term Limits

The current Board President has been on the COPMOBA Board of Directors for 20 years and served as President for at least a decade. The Vice President has been on the Board even longer and served as the President previously.

“The most obvious incentive for nonprofit boards to have term limits is that it brings new blood and a fresh perspective to the board. New board members bring their skills, talents and abilities to the board table. New perspectives may stem from best practices that encourage diversity of background, age, gender, ethnicity or other demographics.”

Board Effect

New Leadership

Demand new leadership within COPMOBA that do what a modern trail organization should be doing.

If members and the trails community stand up and require new members of the COPMOBA Board of Directors Executive Committee, COPMOBA has the opportunity to bring in new leaders with different skills and perspectives. This will give the organization the opportunity to once again become an effective, representative, fair trails organization. Demand new leadership

End the Corruption

Demand and end to the corruption. As a member, demand that the organization put in place the standard policies and practices that every valid non-profit organization uses. The number one policy is a Conflict of Interest policy that actually prevents the corruption that COPMOBA Board members are currently engaged in.1

“A policy governing conflicts of interests is perhaps the most important policy a nonprofit board can adopt. “

National Council of Nonprofits

… and if that doesn’t fix things…

Help build a new, trails organization in the Grand Valley.

Share your thoughts, concerns, and solutions with the #stopcopmafia team at: trails@stopcopmafia.com